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(Re)Designing Our Markets to Value Assets in Black Neighborhoods: Listening Session

Aerial view of houses in neighborhood

Ahead of the launch of our fall intensive Economic Architecture: (Re)Designing Our Markets to Value Assets in Black Neighborhoods, join  an open listening session where participants can give feedback and ask questions about the program. We welcome all members of the community. This listening session will take place online via Zoom at this link.

About the intensive

This three-session intensive, a partnership between Tsai CITY and AshokaThe Brookings Institution, and InnovateHealth Yale, will look at structural innovations that address devaluation and change the architecture of inequality.

Black-owned assets are systematically devalued in the United States today. The effect of this has been to dramatically deplete the wealth of the Black community. Restoring that wealth requires structural innovations that address devaluation and change the architecture of inequality. Over the course of three sessions co-hosted by Andre Perry, PhD, Fellow at the Brookings Institution and Stuart Yasgur, PhD, VP of Ashoka, we will learn about the devaluation of Black-owned assets, explore emerging innovations, and begin to design or think about innovations for change.