You have a lot of different programs and resources! Where should I start?
Great question! There are many entry points to our programs and resources. If you’re unsure where to start, we recommend checking out an orientation and/or signing up for office hours with one of our team members. You don’t need to have a specific question to come to office hours: our doors are open, whether you’re looking for feedback, advice, or just more information on how we can support you as you explore the innovation process.
I'm interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, but I don't necessarily want to start my own venture or organization. How can I get involved?
There are many ways to build the skills and mindsets of innovative thinking! We welcome students of all backgrounds and interests to participate in our programs, develop new skills, and lend existing skills to projects in development. If you're interested in learning how to think like an innovator but don’t want to start your own thing, check out programs that are focused on introducing participants to new fields and ideas, like our workshops and intensives. Our goal is to teach you how to think like an innovator, however you choose to apply it.
Where are you located?
In August 2020, we moved into our new space, a 12,500-square-foot home for innovation at 17 Prospect Street.
Beyond Tsai CITY, what resources does Yale offer around innovation and entrepreneurship?
Yale has a robust innovation ecosystem. Tsai CITY works closely with our fellow members of the Yale Entrepreneurship Collaborative, a network of centers that supports innovation in fields from the arts and the environment to medicine and public service. To learn more about this network and the resources they offer — including events, funding, mentoring, and more — visit Yale Ventures.