Scientific Commercialization Program
This spring 2023 program is a facilitated collaboration between students and faculty innovators.

Are you interested in learning how inventions go from the lab to the market?
The Scientific Commercialization Exploratory Program is led by Tsai CITY's Interim Managing Director, Jorge Torres. It connects students with faculty innovators to identify potential pathways to commercialization for their inventions.
Note: This is not a research assistantship.
The Scientific Commercialization Program (SCP) is an opportunity for students to learn how universities commercialize the discoveries faculty make while conducting basic research. Participating students will put into practice what they're learning in the classroom by helping faculty identify potential commercial science or other discoveries and helping them envision a pathway to getting their research into the marketplace. In the process, they will build relationships with faculty exploring entrepreneurship or who have already established themselves as high-potential company founders. Students will also work closely with peers who share their enthusiasm for the commercial possibilities of basic research.
To participate, students will have to commit to attending 7 in-person sessions and to meeting periodically with a member of Yale’s faculty throughout the spring semester. In addition to time spent in the live sessions, students can expect to spend a maximum of 5 hours per week on their projects and on pre-session preparation. Students will be responsible for coordinating meeting times with their faculty clients periodically throughout the term. Tsai CITY staff will be available to support students throughout the term.
*Programming has ended for the spring semester. Subscribe to our newsletter for more updates about this and other programs/events happening at Tsai CITY.