WE@Yale Women Innovators Series
The WE@Yale Women Innovators Series fosters community discussion, idea sharing, and best practices in support of women and non-binary entrepreneurs and innovators. Community members of all genders are welcome to attend these talks, which are free and open to the public.
This year, WE@Yale is experimenting with a new format that we’re calling Community Table where anyone passionate about being or supporting women and non-binary entrepreneurs can come together to share sustenance and resources, her-stories and hopes, and innovate on ways to create a more equitable landscape for all women. Past guests of our former speaker series have included founders of companies such as Sustain Natural, Dagne Dover, and Natural Annie Essentials; creative leaders working within major companies like Snap and Nike; leading innovators in fields from UAV technology to urban agriculture; and many more.
The series is a program of Women Entrepreneurs and Innovators at Yale (WE@Yale), a joint initiative of Tsai CITY and the Yale SOM Program on Entrepreneurship.