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Innovator's Toolkit Workshop: Pitching 101 with Julie Vance of Executive Voice


Julie Vance will discuss the fundamentals of how to effectively pitch your venture, project, or idea using technical concepts and communication strategies. This workshop will include techniques on how to turn your vision into pitch content, in addition to how to tailor your presentation to your target audience successfully. This workshop will allow participants to gain fresh insights that have resulted in winning pitches while also developing and practicing new skills. All stages of the pitching experience are welcome, and attendees should come ready to engage!


Julie's Bio:

Julie is the senior communication coach at Executive Voice. She helps entrepreneurs to articulate their vision and technical concepts to diverse constituencies, boosting their communicative strategies and enhancing the public delivery of their pitch content. Julie has coached individuals and teams in almost every division of Yale and supported corporate clients such as Deloitte, McKinsey, and Pfizer. Trained in psychology and linguistics (B.A., University of Pennsylvania), she shares fresh insights into pitch presentations, with her clients winning international competitions.